THE battle is on to deter flytippers in East Dorset by extending a local tip.

Ever since Bournemouth council announced a decision to ban people living outside the borough from using Millhams tip, Wimborne's Brook Road Recycling Centre has been buckling under the pressure of extra users.

Some residents queued for more than an hour to use the facility.

Now councillors in East Dorset are asking the county council to lease them an adjoining car park to enable the recycling site to expand.

A spokesman for East Dorset District Council said: "Flytipping is a continuous problem - it has been a little bit worse since the problems with Millhams because Brook Road was over-used.

"It's not happening anywhere specific - anywhere and everywhere and it costs us a lot to clear up.

"It became a major problem a couple of years ago when new legislation said you could only go to a household recycling centre with a private car - not a van. Small builders and landowners had to buy a licence to dispose of their rubbish."

Council chiefs claim the car park next to the Brook Road tip is never fully occupied and that on-street parking is available on Brook Road.

The car park serves workshop units and industrial premises in the area, as well as those wishing to access the River Stour embankment.

Yesterday district councillors decided to begin formal negotiations with Dorset County Council over the leasing of the land.

It is unlikely the expanded facility would be ready for use until spring or summer 2006.

First published: October 27