A WEYMOUTH healer is hoping to raise enough money to go the Philippines and help traumatised children.

Bob Murphy, 53, from Leamington Road, was moved by a news story he saw on television showing the plight of Philippine orphans housed in prisons.

Mr Murphy said: "It was such a powerful piece that I decided I wanted to try and help.

"By the end of the programme I had a tear in my eye.

"It showed children as young as five in prison with rapists and murderers because there aren't enough spaces in orphanages.

"Churches are trying to help but it's not enough and I feel I can make a contribution."

Mr Murphy hopes his healing skills will help against the mental and physical trauma the children have endured.

A former businessman, Mr Murphy said he had spent his life looking for something deeper and found it in the healing powers of reiki.

Reiki is a Japanese word meaning universal life energy and its practitioners claim to be able to cure spiritual, emotional and physical problems.

Mr Murphy is looking to spend a month in the Philippines where he will pass on his skills to others who will continue his work when he returns home.

He added: "Learning the healing skills of reiki is an addiction.

"The power comes from the universe and flows from one person to another.

"There are various forms of the art and I have learnt as much as I can about them."

Mr Murphy is a reiki master, which means he is allowed to practice his healing on friends and family, open a business and teach others. He is also a reiki seichim master, a clinical hypnotherapist and can practice Indian head massages and the self-healing metamorphosis technique.

Mr Murphy said: "I am looking to go out at the end of October. At the moment plans are in the early stages and I'm looking for people to help with costs of flights and living expenses."

To contact Mr Murphy call 01305 766882 or 07813 381816.