HI-TECH companies innovating the future are being urged to seize their opportunity at the Echo-backed Dorset Business Awards.

The IoD Innovation award, sponsored by Bournemouth University, awaits the company that has best exploited its new technology.

It is open to all Dorset-based organisations with innovations that have been launched or implemented within the last two years.

Judges will be looking at a wide range of criteria including:

evidence of the development of new - or the creative application of existing knowledge and expertise to achieve an innovative solution;

evidence of successful or scheduled implementation;

substantiation of how the innovation has assisted the economic and social well-being of Dorset.

IoD Wessex deputy chairman Philip Warr said: "It is the innovative organisations which force the business pace."

Bournemouth University pro-vice chancellor David Willey said: "The ability to be innovative -whether developing new technology or creatively responding to customer needs - is a key factor in driving economic growth across Dorset."

The other three other Dorset Business Awards are:

KPMG Company of the Year;

Lester Aldridge Management Team of the Year;

Dorset Business, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, International award, sponsored by Business Link Wessex.

Entry forms can be downloaded from www.lesteraldridge.com/PDF_files/dba_entry_form_2005.pdf.

For more details, contact Christina Pizot, 01202 786355, christina.pizot@LA-Law.com

First published: September 5