AN 87-YEAR-OLD holidaymaker has gone missing from a Weymouth hotel.

Albert Cocker was staying at the Wenlock Hotel on the Esplanade when he disappeared last Wednesday.

Mr Cocker told staff at the hotel he was going to stay with friends on Portland, but police said they do not think he has friends or relatives in the area.

PC Jim Long of Weymouth police said: "We are becoming very concerned for Mr Cocker's welfare due to his age and the fact that he only has the clothes he is wearing and he left his bags at the hotel.

"We don't think he has family or friends in the Weymouth area."

Police are appealing for owners of holiday accommodation to check whether the missing pensioner has booked in with them.

Mr Cocker is described as 5ft 5ins, of thin build, with silver hair. He was wearing a white T-shirt, black braces, and grey trousers and trainers. Anyone with information is asked to contact Weymouth police station on (01305) 220512.

Mr Cocker is the second pensioner to go missing in the Weymouth area in the last two weeks. Police believe a body found on the shoreline of the Fleet on Friday may be that of 71-year-old Brian Crawshaw.

Officers are trying to establish the identity of the body. They do not think there are any suspicious circumstances.

Mr Crawshaw, who suffers from dementia, vanished from his home in Chickerell Road on Friday, August 9.