THIRTY people have already been helped into work in the Bournemouth/Poole conurbation by the Ways of Working partnership project.

The project, pioneered in Poole, provides people historically disadvantaged through learning or physical disabilities or mental health problems with the chance of mainstream employment.

Bob Allam, manager of the community employment service for Poole council, told a conference in the Civic Centre: "We're here today as part of a celebration. We are celebrating our successes to date and looking forward to even more in the future."

The partnership includes Poole and Bournemouth councils, Bournemouth and Poole College, Dorset HealthCare NHS Trust, JP Morgan - formerly Chase Manhattan Bank - Poole Council for Voluntary Services, the Co-operative Development Agency and the National Schizophren-ia Fellowship.

Social firms - those employing a significant number of people with disabilities or are otherwise disadvantaged - are growing steadily in the area.