IF YOU imagined magic involved pulling white rabbits out of hats, think again...

Dorset illusionists The Twins - Paul and Gary Hardy-Brown - are making entertainment history by literally becoming bigger and better than any other magician/illusionist act.

They have just returned from a hugely successful seven-month season in Portugal with their show, theillusionists.com, aided by eight dancers.

The highlight of the show was making a state-of-the-art $250,000 dollar helicopter appear on an empty stage in less than four seconds.

"The appearing helicopter became the talk of Portugal," said Paul.

"As the helicopter suddenly appears pure amazement flashes across the audience's faces - it's truly remarkable!"

Weighing some 1,370 pounds and 29 feet long, the helicopter is part of two articulated lorries full of props the 27-year-old identical twins use in their show.

Other props have included an electric chair and a sword cabinet through which Paul is impaled with 17 swords.

The show has elements of comedy as an "elastic girl" is put in a box to have her arms, legs and head stretched.

Now back home living in the Purbecks the twins are continuing with flying lessons at Bournemouth School of Flying at Bournemouth International Airport and devising new illusions.

"Flying a Robinson 22 is like taking a magic carpet ride. There is no better way to travel!" said Gary.

The Twins have travelled with their illusionist act all over the world - America, Finland, Portugal, Norway, Slovenia, Germany, France, Spain and Sweden, to name but a few places. They have entertained cruise ship passengers, vanished elephants in front of large crowds underneath the circus big top, and even performed in front of soldiers in war-torn countries.

"Being cut into ninths, levitated, crushed, stretched, burnt alive, shrunk, impaled, it's all in a day's work," joked Gary, who hopes to include an aeroplane in the next show.