A WEYMOUTH company has offered to breathe new life into two old Weymouth statues free of charge.

The figures of Queen Victoria and Sir Henry Edwards at either end of the Esplanade both urgently need a clean-up.

But council finances are tight and wouldn't benefit Queen Victoria immediately in any case because specialist advice is needed on the surface of the statue, which requires careful treatment.

Now all work may go ahead smoothly thanks to Bob Murphy of Weymouth-based industrial contract cleaners Ultraclean.

He said: "I read in the Echo that the statues needed cleaning and I decided that we could help the town by doing it for nothing. We are specialist cleaners so we know how to tackle statues of this kind.

"I approached the council, offered our help free of charge and they have gone away to talk it over.

"All we need from the council is the acid for the job and we will arrange the rest. We do need some scaffolding but we are hoping that a local company will come forward and help with that."

Weymouth and Portland environmental services director Richard Burgess said: "We are always delighted to consider generous offers from the business community and it is very pleasing that this gentleman has come forward with this offer.

"We will have to look in detail at what will have to be done to clean both statues, particularly the one of Queen Victoria.

"We would have to discuss very carefully what approach is taken and what techniques are used to ensure that the statue's patina and stonework are not damaged."