A DORSET airman lost at sea in the worst-ever disaster in British waters is set to feature in a new book about the tragedy.

But author Stephen Cameron is appealing for help from Echo readers in finding out all he can about the mystery flight sergeant who was aboard the MV Princess Victoria which sank off the County Down coast in Northern Ireland on January 31, 1953.

The former Fire Brigade Station Commander-turned writer is currently researching the book which will tell the story of the ill-fated car ferry wrecked in force 12 gales during the great storm in 1953. In all 138 passengers and crew were lost in the disaster, including every woman and child on board.

Mr Cameron uncovered the Dorset link with the tragedy after a painstaking search for the passenger list. He said: "Through my research I have discovered that a gentleman called Mr Tatchel, a flight sergeant in the RAF, was travelling on the ship and was lost. The only address I have found for him is that he came from Dorset. I would appeal to Echo readers for any information regarding Mr Tatchel."

The author said the Princess Victoria was one of the first-ever roll-on roll-off ferries. Its loading gates did not have a water-tight seal like ferries today have. And when the ship got caught in force 12 gales, she became engulfed by huge waves.

The ship had to be abandoned and the first lifeboat carrying all the women and children was smashed against the hull and all those on board were lost. Finally only 44 men from the total 188 on board were rescued.

Mr Cameron said: "The Princess Victoria was sailing from Stranraer to Larne when the storm struck. Although it was the worst maritime disaster in British waters it didn't really attract as much press attention as you would expect because there was so much going on. The great storm hit the country hard and was blamed for 1,000 deaths."

The author, who has also written a book about the Titanic, says his research has already brought to light many poignant stories. And now he wants to find out more about flight sergeant Tatchel.

If you can help write to him at 32 Heatherstone Road, Bangor, Northern Ireland BT19 6AE or telephone him on 028 9146 5137.