TWO first-time London marathon runners were presented with cheques for their chosen charities by Wey Valley School headteacher, Marcia Headon.

Assistant head at the school Peter Strange, 55, of Cattistock, near Maiden Newton and postman Darren Hawdon, 29, of Milton Terrace, Weymouth took part in the 26.2 mile race to raise money for the children's charities Tommy's and Childline.

The 1,360-pupil school held a non-uniform day where those taking part donated £1, raising more than £850, which was split between the men after they had completed the race.

Mrs Headon said: "I think that it's absolutely brilliant. I am full of admiration for these two gentlemen and I think it's wonderful that charity marathons exist."

Mr Strange, who ran with his son, Adam, 27, in a time of four hours and twenty-three minutes, said although he got tired, it was well worth the effort and the atmosphere was superb.

He had chosen Tommy's, a charity based in St Thomas's hospital in London, which helps premature babies, because his daughter works there and he thought that the charity's work was very valuable.

Mr Hawdon said that having an eight-year-old stepson and a 13-month baby had influenced his choice of charity in Childline and the school had been his biggest fundraiser.

The postman, who finished the race in four hours and thirty-one minutes and is thinking of going back next year, said: "Being in my job helped me fitness-wise."

"It was a great atmosphere and I'd recommend anyone to do it."