CAMPAIGNERS opposed to a chicken-processing factory have vowed to fight on after North Dorset planners approved a controversial chimney stack.

Residents in Okeford Fitzpaine said they would be taking legal advice on the district council's decision to approve the 25-metre flume for Faccenda Holdings Ltd in the village.

Clive Nelson of village pressure group OFCHICS, said: "We are not leaving it like this. We will be speaking to our legal people - we want an inquiry."

The chimney is the latest round in a long-running battle between residents and the factory, described by councillors at yesterday's planning meeting as "a blight" on the village.

Campaigners including MP Robert Walter and the local school want the factory relocated amid claims it causes traffic, noise and odour pollution.

The firm was served with an abatement notice by Environmental health officers at North Dorset, ordering it to resolve the smell issue or face legal action.

After taking independent advice, Faccenda submitted the plans for the tall chimney claiming the height would remove the smell from ground level.

But residents say the stack would be a blot on the landscape and could lead to increased production at the factory - a claim denied by Faccenda.

A decision at the last planning meeting was deferred pending an economic impact report from the council's policy manager for the rural economy, Hilary White.

She concluded there could be up to 600 direct and indirect job losses and a "substantial economic loss" to the local economy should the factory have to close if the chimney was turned down.

Mrs White also said, after speaking to Faccenda, that relocation was not viable.

Councillors voted three in favour, none against with three abstaining. A five-year time limit condition was put on the chimney.

However several committee members admitted more needed to be done to help the village.

A Faccenda spokesman said: "We are pleased with the decision. Faccenda have always done everything they can to try and please everyone.

"We want to work with local people and we hope to put this situation behind us."

But afterwards Mr Nelson said: "We feel the council has been blackmailed into approving this. We have never wanted closure of the factory - we want relocation."