CASH for a planned restoration of Dorchester's historic Borough Gardens looks set to be doubled after Lottery officials gave them a cautious green light.

Campaigners hoped to complete a £750,000 overhaul of the gardens after winning approval from the Heritage Lottery Fund two years ago.

But now the project could total as much as £1.4 million after experts from the fund came to view the gardens, became excited about their potential and made suggestions of their own.

Town clerk Dennis Holmes told a meeting of Dorchester Town Council's management committee that he had had a meeting on site with funding officials who were "very keen indeed" to see an even bigger and more expensive refurbishment package for the gardens than first planned.

And a lottery official has confirmed that the fund would be willing to support any project envisioned at the gardens - if the plans are right.

Mr Holmes said: "The people from the fund were suggesting lots of different ideas, which would form a much greater level of improvements than we had hoped for.

"We had hoped to be able to renovate the Borough Gardens House, with a first floor flat and the bottom floor for the bowling club and make improvements to the paddling pool area.

"But they are suggesting that we also clear away the greenhouses and equipment store to a different site and incorporate the area into the gardens. We would also be able to employ a horticulturalist, install refreshment facilities at the house and improve the toilet facilities."

Mark Ludman, spokesman for the fund, said: "The gardens date from 1896 and form a focal part of the town for the community. We are giving grants to public parks all over the country and we are very keen on the Borough Gardens project. We have given the council a very positive indication that if the plans are right we are willing to allocate the extra money. That is why we have been talking to them about the final proposals and advising them on various aspects."

The lottery fund has so far granted more than £213 million to public park projects all over the UK, and town councillors hope the Borough Gardens could become Dorchester's showpiece. Coun Stella Jones said: "That is excellent news - the Borough Gardens are the jewel in Dorchester's crown and we want to keep them that way for the next 100 years."