DRIMPTON Youth Club is on the verge of collapse because so few people in the village have come forward to support it.

The 20 or so youngsters who regularly go to the club staged a surprise tribute show to Ian and Dawn Turnbull.

The Turnbulls have been leaders for three years but have now moved out of the village and are stepping down.

The youth club has even found someone willing to take their place. Nick Sibley, a parent of two of the boys who attend, is happy to take over as leader.

But with a club so busy at least six or eight helpers are needed and they are just not forthcoming, said club secretary Julie Pearce.

The club was only resurrected a few years ago and after so much money, effort and time setting it up the committee doesn't want to see it folding.

Julie said: "The young people themselves would miss the social highlight of their week. I'm sure everyone would agree it's a very useful and constructive activity for our youngsters.

"The kids have done this surprise presentation for Ian and Dawn all off their own bat, printed the programmes and everything, and collected money for flowers and chocolates.

"It's very sad that only one person has come forward. The club cannot continue without more help - it is well worth doing."

The youth club runs on three Wednesday evenings a month.

There is a meeting on May 22 in the hope that the last-minute appeal will save the club from an ignominious end.