A DAD who suffered horrific injuries after being crushed against a wall by a car today spoke of his relief at simply being alive.

Weymouth bricklayer Gary Allen, 46, lost both his feet and part of his bowel and had to have his nose rebuilt following the horror smash.

Mr Allen, who lives in Broadwey Close and has an eight-year-old son Charlie, was measuring a wall when a car struck him and he was trapped under the vehicle.

But just three weeks after the accident Mr Allen has made such a speedy recovery he is now back at home.

Mr Allen, who is well-known in local sporting circles, was due to join in the celebrations for his partner Carol McAuley's 40th birthday party on the day of the accident, said: "It is great to be back home.

"I am lucky to be alive after what has happened and for a while it was touch and go whether I would survive.

"I can't believe I am home and it really is a miracle how well I have recovered so far.

"It was a big shock to find out I had lost both my feet but I am taking things one day at a time and I'm feeling positive.

"My life has changed but I will just have to start again and look to the future and as I get stronger I will be able to get fitted with prosthetic feet."

The crash happened when a 27-year-old man lost control of his Peugeot 306 in Sterte Road, Poole, on Saturday, April 20.

Police are still investigating the incident.

Gary's workmate Peter Dare, 31, also from Weymouth, broke his arm but was later released from hospital.

Mr Allen, who is a big football fan and Tottenham Hotspur supporter, said: "I should really be dead. We were measuring a wall and I was just handing the tape back to Pete when suddenly I was hit from behind. It was like slow motion and I knew immediately what had happened.

"I kept telling myself to stay awake and not to pass out."

He added: "Carol and myself would like to say a big thanks to all the staff and doctors at the hospital and the paramedics who were brilliant and to all our family and friends who have been so supportive."

Carol McAuley, who has two children, Ben, 13, and Jack, 12, spent most nights at the hospital sleeping on the floor next to Gary.

She said: "I am so glad he is home now. I am so proud of him.

"It was a horrific accident but it happened and we can't do anything about that.

"We will just take one day at a time but now that we have come through this as a family we will be able to cope with anything."