YEAR Nine pupils from schools across Dorset enjoyed a peek behind the scenes at Winfrith and Bincleaves Technology Centres.

QinetiQ, which runs both sites and was formerly known as the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency, held an open day to allow youngsters an insight into careers in science and technology.

The pupils attended workshops on fibre optics, sonar, computer modelling, aquaculture and medical ultrasound and South Dorset MP, Jim Knight, was also on hand at the Winfrith site to make a presentation to the students.

Science teacher at Budmouth Technology College in Weymouth, Phil Hadgett, said: "Students from our accelerated group took part in the open day.

"It was useful to them because they will shortly be going on to sit their Key Stage Three SATS tests and will study separate sciences at GCSE level."

Science teacher at All Saints School in Wyke Regis, Miss Jo Ward, said: "Our students had a good afternoon and took plenty of inspiration home with them."

The centre director for QinetiQ at Winfrith and Bincleaves, John Wade, said: "Many of the students were surprised by the extent of our work within defence, communications, electronics, health, environment and transport. We were delighted with their response to our open day."