A CONFERENCE centre and working quarry museum are on a list of ideas for Swanage.

Swanage Town Council has until the end of May to come up with a series of proposals to develop the resort's role within the World Heritage Site.

Town clerk Alan Leeson said: "As a town we need to develop a vision for the short, medium and long term."

The list of ideas will go to a team of consultants appointed by Dorset County Council, who will then draw up a strategy for tourism and transport initiatives for the whole of the site, which stretches from Studland to Devon.

An "interpretative centre" is included on the council's list of ideas and would comprise a centre with displays and exhibitions explaining the importance of the coastline.

Also included in the list is the suggestion for a working quarry with an area set aside for the public.

Boat trips along the coastline from Swanage Pier are suggested in the draft, as is the idea of developing Swanage Steam Railway as a transport link.

Mr Leeson said: "We are trying to build up a vision that links the history of the town to the quay, World Heritage Site and to the extraction of stone.

"The idea is to try and form a link that makes us stand apart from any other town along the whole site."

"As the (Jurassic Coast) becomes more popular and world-renowned, our anticipation is there will be a requirement for a conference facility.

"It's about building on what we have."