THE earth is moving in Wareham as work gets under way on a brand new day care centre for people with learning and physical disabilities.

Local contractor Bluestone is currently building the new Purbeck Centre on the site of the old concrete works in Sandford Lane.

When completed, the modern, bright and fully equipped building will offer a stimulating environment for 35 people with learning disabilities and 15 people with physical disabilities each day.

As well as boasting state-of-the-art facilities, the centre will also be eco-friendly.

The concrete works' foundations have been dug up, crushed and recycled as fill for the new building.

The walls will be insulated with Warmcell - recycled newspaper - and part of the water supply will come from rainwater.

Kelvin Bland, Dorset County Council's architect, said it had also been decided to use a timber-frame system from sustainable Swedish forestry. This is assembled off-site then brought to the site to be erected and finished.

He said: "This makes the building process much quicker and it should be ready for Social Services to occupy in February next year.

"That's remarkably fast for such a substantial building and means that the day care places will come on-stream very quickly."

David Joannides, Dorset's director of social services, said: "I'm very pleased that construction is under way, because we have wanted to be able to provide more local services for people in this area for some time."