AMBITIOUS Poole Borough have capped a memorable season by earning a place in the Dorset Combination.

The Dorset League double winners had their promotion ratified following a successful ground inspection by league officials earlier this week.

Manager Pete Morrell said: "Everybody connected with the club is delighted.

"We will be looking to strengthen the squad in certain areas, but we won't be making wholesale changes. I am meeting the committee on Friday to discuss our next plan of attack. The club has always said it wants to go as high as possible in the pyramid and obviously our next aim is the Wessex League.

"But we know we may have to consolidate for a couple of years and a lot depends on how far the finances will go."

Formed just three years ago, the Turlin Moor-based outfit have invested nearly £20,000 to bring their facilities up to standard since moving to the ground at the start of the season.

The club have laid a new pitch adjacent to the pavilion with a permanent rail erected and the ground also boasts covered accommodation for spectators and disabled parking close to the pitch.

All funds for the improvements were raised by the club through their Three-Score Lottery and via local sponsorship.

Boro are investigating the possibility of erecting floodlights and building a new stand to bring their facilities up to Wessex League standard.