IT'S official - Magnus Zetterstrom reaches the parts other speedway riders don't.

Zorro, as he is affectionately known by the Pirates faithful, is a charismatic one-off showman loved by the fans.

But now his full-hearted riding and unique dancing celebrations after heat wins have seen the Poole Meridian Lifts rider pick up a new supporter from the most unlikely of speedway sources - Ghana.

That's right. Ghana, the little known country sandwiched between Ivory Coast and Togo on the west coast of Africa.

It's certainly not a speedway hotbed.

In fact, the only three countries that spring to mind in Africa where speedway has been staged are South Africa, Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and Egypt.

So who is this mystery supporter? And why is Zetterstrom such a big hit over there in Ghana, thousands of miles away from the Wimborne Road track?

The mystery supporter is one Samuel Andoh Mensah, who has written to Zorro, via the Daily Echo, from a place called Sefwi Asawinso in Ghana.

Indeed, Samuel, who could possibly be a student who has spent time learning English in Bournemouth but since returned to his homeland, voted for Zetterstrom in our Pirates rider-of-the-year competition in 2001.

Samuel sent an official entry from and an accompanying letter by airmail to the Daily Echo, and having just received it, we immediately passed it on to Zetterstrom.

The Swede said: "It is amazing that someone in Ghana knows my name, let alone supports me as a fan.

"It is really cool. I like it. Ghana is thousands of miles away from England or Sweden and everywhere else I ride.

"I am almost speechless, I can hardly believe it and I don't really know what to say. I don't even know exactly where Ghana is without looking on a map first.

"Samuel must be someone who has been studying English in Bournemouth and gone to Poole speedway while he was there, although he could have heard about me on the Internet or whatever I suppose.

"Either way, it is good to know that Zorro is known all over the world!"

Zetterstrom added: "It is great that Samuel tried to vote for me from the other side of the world as the Echo's rider-of-the-year last season. Now I think the rules of the Echo competition should be changed so that his entry counts for this year!

"On a more serious note, I am going to get Samuel a Magnus Zetterstrom tee-shirt and some photographs, which I will sign, and send them to him in Ghana.

"I hope the Poole club will also be able to get some items together, like signed team pictures and a Pirates tee-shirt, baseball cap, or whatever, so that we can send them to Samuel in the post.

"Of course, if Samuel is ever in England again and comes to Poole speedway I would love to meet him.

"If someone takes the trouble to write from Ghana to vote for me in a rider-of-the-year competition, then it is the least I can do to meet up with them at the track at the first opportunity I get."