COUNCIL chiefs could throw a spanner in the works of a new development plan by supermarket giant Asda to move to Weymouth Football Club's Wessex Stadium home.

Officers from Weymouth and Portland Borough Council confirmed today that they have been in discussion with Asda and its development partners Trent about the move to the Radipole Lane site.

But the council says that Asda's proposal is contrary to national and local planning policy and officers will need to study the detail before their position is made clear.

The Dorset Echo revealed last week that Terras' bosses had signed a deal with a developer for Asda to move to the 17-acre site at Radipole Lane.

The company wants to relocate because it has outgrown its Newstead Road base, but it has yet to seek planning permission.

Although the Wessex Stadium is within West Dorset, Weymouth and Portland Borough Council will have to be consulted on the planning application.

The borough council has now appointed consultants to advise them on the various issues surrounding the proposal.

An important consideration for the council is how any proposals would relate to current planning policy at both local and national level, which has a strong presumption against out-of-town shopping.

The council is also exploring whether a small supermarket could be kept on the existing Asda site off Newstead Road or within a new harbourside development, along with a new hotel where the gas holder now stands.

Other issues include the impact on the existing town centre, accessibility to the proposed development by public transport and increased traffic levels.

The council is viewing these proposals in the context of its future development blueprint, the Local Plan.

Coun Jim Churchouse, chairman of the borough's environment committee, said: "It has been made clear to Asda and their development partners that there are a large number of issues to be addressed before the council could come to a position on the matter."

Weymouth Football Club spokes-man James Murphy said: "It is still very early days and there's not a lot we can say at the moment.

"Trent was brought in to take this project forward. No doubt issues relating to planning policy will emerge in future discussions between Trent, Asda and the planning authorities."

Dr David Evans, director of planning and environment at West Dorset District Council, the authority which will determine Asda's planning application, said: "Any plans for a major retail development outside the built-up area of Weymouth would have to be considered against very strict guidelines set out in government policy and in the Structure and Local Plans."