A CRUSADE to open Dorchester's historic Roman baths is set for a boost with the release of an emergency report.

English Heritage is to rush out a document about the Wollaston Field site within the next fortnight after admitting it bungled an excavation study 20 years ago.

The stop-gap measure comes after government minister Richard Caborn urged the town to apply for National Lottery funding to develop the project.

Dr Pete Wilson, English Heritage senior archaeologist, said: "I will be sending an interim document to the district council within the next couple of weeks. Then we will be commissioning someone to prepare a full report which should be finished by the end of the year.

"It should then be submitted to an archaeological journal for publication."

Campaigners have called for the baths under the Wollaston Field long stay car park to be opened as a new tourist attraction.

They claim it would rejuvenate Dorchester's fortunes and be the star draw in a new focus on heritage, although critics say there could be high running costs.

The interim report will contain maps, a brief description of the bath house and a summary of evidence.

It comes after English Heritage admitted that it failed to publish a copy of the report following excavations of the site in the late 1970s.

Dorchester woman Julie Storer, who worked on the original dig, said: "It's a relief that this is finally being done.

"It disgraceful that nothing was done before and this should have been done years ago.

"This report is crucial before a feasibility study is held to see if the project can go ahead."

Mr Caborn encouraged the town to apply for National Lottery funds when he replied to a letter from Dorset campaigner Derek Julian.

Mr Julian called for a working party to be set up of councillors, members of Dorchester Civic Society and other interested parties.