A RESIDENTS' association is fighting plans to put housing on Boscombe's seafront.

The proposal to let developer Barratt have land for homes at Honeycombe Chine is central to council plans to revive the area.

But Boscombe Cliff Residents' Association has objected to the disposal of public open space to the developer.

In a list of objections, it says: "The site is within the freehold ownership of the council and to permit any permanent buildings such as residential housing in the long term would sterilise our heritage land."

It says the land "could never be returned to the town for other future uses for the benefit of future generations".

Bournemouth Borough Council wants the area to be re-born as Boscombe Spa Village, in conjunction with the £1 million National Lottery-funded refurbishment of Boscombe Gardens.

The council intends to use the proceeds of the housing deal to pay for leisure attractions, including an artificial reef and a refurbished stretch of pier.

Another Boscombe pressure group, Boscombe First Residents' Association, will not be objecting to the disposal of the open space. Its committee objects to the artificial reef scheme but wants a housing deal to help pay for a marina.

Chairman David Jessup said: "The only way we would support the development down there is if it was in conjunction with a marina and not the kind of leisure the council are discussing because an artificial reef would bring nothing whatever to this area."

Objectors had until today to object to the disposal of public open space. The public will be asked again for its views when Barratt lodges a planning application, which is likely to be months away.