A GRANDMOTHER is blocking up a bed in hospital after social services withdrew funding for a place in a home.

Sylvia Orchard, 81, has been stuck in Wimborne Hospital for seven weeks while her granddaughter Nicky Oliver looked for a place, based on the £323-a-week social services had offered to fund.

Most homes wanted more money, prompting an initial offer of a top-up grant from social services. When this offer was withdrawn Mrs Oliver felt she could probably meet the top-up herself.

But she was horrified to be told that the basic £323 was also no longer available.

She said: "It's absolutely ridiculous. There is nothing wrong with granny but she is in hospital where it costs three times the amount of a home and she is getting very depressed.

"She has no property to sell so she is social services funded, which limits your choice. She also has level three care needs because she needs a hoist and a wheelchair.

"They offered one place at Streets Meadow in Wimborne, but the rooms are too small for a wheelchair to move round in so I said no way. This is to be her home.

"We found a suitable place which costs £350 a week which we thought would be fine, especially with the top-up funding.

"Then they said no top-up, and we thought we could still probably manage the difference ourselves but then we are told all the funding has been frozen, which means we have lost this place.

"What is happening to people like granny. Are they all in hospital?"

Mrs Orchard has lived in Wimborne all her life.

Annie Wheatley, social services spokeswoman said: "Social service budgets are under very great pressure at the moment and although we can reassure the family that the funding has been agreed, we are not in a position to release the money at the moment.