HUNDREDS of furious motorists were today caught up in road chaos despite attempts to reduce congestion between Portland and Weymouth.

Travellers reported long delays despite an emergency route being opened in an attempt to cut waiting times along Portland beach road.

The island artery has been reduced to a standstill by gas main work for the South West Regional Development Agency linked to development of the island's former naval air station.

But widespread anger at the delays forced the agency into opening a stop gap emergency route - known as the mere road - through the former military installation.

Senior staff have been liaising with police to relieve peak-time queues by opening the road from last night one way from Weymouth to Portland.

The route will be open between 7.30-9am and 4.30-6pm.

Agency development manager Bruce Voss said: "We had hoped temporary traffic lights could control traffic, which has not been the case.

"Hopefully the mere road will solve queues but the situation will be reviewed daily."

Queues have been so long that a 63-year-old accountant who couldn't stand the traffic chaos any more, angrily got off her bus and walked to work.

Pat Ball said the situation was just as bad as yesterday despite SWRDA's efforts - and she again had to abandon the bus.

She said: "I got on the bus this morning at about 7.30am and instead of the usual five-minute journey we got caught up in the jams. I got out and walked and by quarter past eight I finally saw the bus go past the office, although it just sat there stuck in the traffic queues for ages.

"It's one thing getting out and walking when the weather is good like today, but I don't know if I'd fancy it if it was raining. Later on today I have a hospital appointment - and I think I'm going to have to leave at least an hour before I would usually need to, just to make sure I get there.

"I think it is ridiculous. You are practically a prisoner on Portland.

"You can see people in cars getting all agitated and grinding their teeth. Something has got to be done."

Her boss, Portland Plant Hire director David Hedgeman, said he was facing having to lay four men off work unless the gas main delays were solved.

He added: "I can't afford to pay them if their lorries can't perform. They are just getting stuck in queues.

"I have been delayed as well. It took me 95 minutes to get from Buxton Road to Victoria Square. It is a nightmare. They have to open the mere road for two-way traffic."