ANTI-MAST campaigners were this week celebrating after learning that BT Airwaves is to revise its TETRA coverage of West Dorset.

Dorset Against More Masts spokesman Ali Cameron said that two green field sites would be "saved" in the Marshwood Vale by loading up existing masts with the TETRA aerials and transmitters, a communications system to be used by the emergency services.

"As a bonus the revised arrangement no longer require coverage from the present Stonebarrow Hill site, which can stay as it is."

But the proposed site at Patley Wood, Netherbury, looks set to stay - much to the concern of another pressure group, Salway Ash Residents Against the Mast.

Said Mr Cameron: "However, both groups have jointly presented a number of ideas to BT to provide some modifications to ensure safety at and around the local school and provide long term monitoring which should provide some measure of reassurance to Salway Ash inhabitants."

Mr Cameron said the overall result was "a real demonstration of people power and the power of co-operation".

"If we had fought the masts directly, BT Airwaves would be building on green fields by now."

Sue Sutcliffe, who first spotted the proposals in a report in the Bridport News, said she was delighted to lose the threat of a mast dominating her view from the kitchen window.

"It's wonderful news for us all," she said. "Naturally I am so relieved, but it is really a victory for us all. I must thank so many for their support - neighbours, councillors and local papers."

And she also paid tribute to the BT Airwaves team.

Mr Cameron pointed out that BT Airwaves reserved the right to add masts if the plans did not work out.