MOUNTJOY School campaigner Frank Wilde this week called for "joined-up thinking" over plans for a multi-purpose auditorium in Bridport.

Mr Wilde, chairman of the Friends of Mountjoy School, said a co-ordinated approach was needed to make sure that various groups did not "go shooting off at tangents".

His comments came after a meeting of the friends' group, which has decided to focus on three main areas at Mountjoy when the county council builds a new special school.

The authority has pledged that work on a new school will begin in 2004, probably on the field behind the social and education centre in Flood Lane.

The Friends want an upgraded hydrotherapy pool and sensory room - both of these existing facilities were created with the support of the public.

"The third thing is the hall," Mr Wilde said. A community hall on a site backing on to Safeway has been mooted in the past.

Much will depend on the forthcoming feasibility study into the Palace Cinema and whether there is a demand for such a facility. That's all part of the market and coastal town initiative, an ongoing project looking at improving various aspects of community life.

Said Mr Wilde: "There are questions that need to be asked and we need a co-ordinated plan. Running off at tangents seems to be an issue we have to solve."

The lack of a suitable auditorium since the sudden closure of the Palace three years ago has been keenly felt by a number of organisations.

Said Mr Wilde: "We are not talking about a cheap hall. It would need to accommodate about 300-400 people, with proper acoustics and stage and that isn't cheap."

Mr Wilde said the plans for Mountjoy could tie in with other schemes, like the ideas being thrashed out for the football club, and make the southern part of town the leisure area.

"I would like to open up the debate with the people."