A NOISY bird scarer is causing more than a few ruffled feathers in West Bay Road, Bridport.

Some residents say they are being driven mad by the noise from the scarer, which they say begins at 6am and goes on throughout the day at 20-minute intervals.

The farmer responsible for the scarer says he's only protecting his livelihood and is perfectly within the law.

John Fox of West Cliff Farm, whose family have farmed there since the beginning of the 19th century, said: "It is legal and we are within our rights to use it. I am keeping the pigeons off my cabbages. We would not have any plants left if we didn't use it and it wasn't cheap to buy. It runs off propane gas and a battery."

Mr Fox said the pigeons destroyed at least 100 plants one morning when the machine wasn't working. Mr Fox added that he quit dairying three years ago because there was no money in it and was trying to diversify into organic vegetables.

"When people ring up to complain I always say it's all right for you, it's right outside my door. What annoys me is that these people haven't been brought up in the country they just come here to retire. It's like everything else you hear it then after so long you don't take any notice of it.

"One or two of them I do get abuse from but I am afraid I don't take no notice as long as I am within my rights. I have got a living to make haven't I?"

West Dorset District Council said they had received several complaints about the bird scarer.

A spokesman said: "We will be speaking to the farmer again. He's been co-operative in the past. He's complying with the NFU's national code of practice on this issue and has taken steps to try to muffle the bangs using straw bales."

Local residents who say they are in a 'high state of irritation because of this menace' don't want to be named but they are thinking of organising a petition and have been in contact with county councillor Sandra Brown who says as the farmer is legally within his rights she doesn't know what else anybody can do.

"A pressure cooker situation is developing. Four massive bangs every twenty minutes is not required to scare a few pigeons," said an angry resident.