LANDLORD Trevor Vacher-Dean claims a jubilee street party is under threat because of the "mean spirit" of council chiefs.

Mr Vacher-Dean has helped organise a party to celebrate the Queen's Golden Jubilee in High West Street, Weymouth, and more than 700 people are expected to turn up to the event on Tuesday, June 4.

But he said party plans have been thrown into jeopardy because Weymouth and Portland Borough Council bosses have refused permission for residents of High West Street to move their cars to the car park next to council offices in North Quay during the event.

And he has hit out at Weymouth and Portland Borough Council parking manager Derek Whittaker for not replying to two letters he has written asking him to reconsider his decision.

Mr Vacher-Dean, 52, who is the landlord of the Boot Inn in High West Street, is chairman of a committee set up to organise the jubilee street party.

He said: "I sent Mr Whittaker a letter on March 14 asking him if residents could use the car park so we can clear High West Street of cars while the party takes place.

"He replied on April 3 and said using the car park would not be an option.

"We have explored other avenues without success so it seems likely that the council's all too apparent mean spirit towards the patriotic celebration of our Queen's jubilee will result in the planned street party being cancelled."

Mr Vacher-Dean, who lives with his wife Jilly, 62, has written two more letters to Mr Whittaker asking him to reconsider his decision but has not received a reply.

He said: "Not being allowed to use the council car park is threatening the existence of the street party as people need an alternative place to park their cars.

"If we couldn't use the car park because council staff were in I would understand but staff are not even working that day as it is a public holiday and I have been told reliably that the reason we are not being allowed is because of a possible loss of revenue.

"It is very disappointing not to have received a reply from Mr Whittaker and I speak for the whole committee."

The planned party is being organised by a committee made up of regulars of the Boot Inn, the Belvedere Inn and residents of High West Street, James Street, Love Lane and firefighters from Weymouth Fire Station.

Mr Vacher-Dean added: "A lot of time, effort and money has gone into planning this street party and I am extraordinarily saddened by this.

"We are getting closer and closer to the date and not knowing where we stand puts us in a very difficult position."

Borough council harbour and engineering services manager Martyn Gallivan said: "We have made Mr Vacher-Dean an offer reflecting the nature of the event.

"The council is expecting a lot of people that day and we need to be able to maximise the car parking space in the town.

"We couldn't come out in favour for one particular group in the community so we have made them an offer that strikes a balance."