SUGGESTIONS that Lyme Regis Marine Theatre should be rebuilt on the Woodmead site have been condemned by the chairman of the Woodmead Halls, Coun Stan Williams.

"A full time theatre, as the council have found out, is very expensive to maintain," he told the annual meeting of the Woodmead Halls management committee.

" I believe that, in our halls, we have a building that fulfils a need of the residents at a very competitive price. I wish the theatre success, but not on this site.

"We have our own full programme of activities for the organisations, and there is no way we see ourselves in competition with the Marine Theatre."

The theatre goes into trusteeship on June 1. It is known that, in order to help make the premises viable, an increase in seating and other improvements are required. A possible solution could be the demolition of the theatre and a relocation project.

Coun. Williams, in his annual report, said the Woodmead Halls was a charity run by trustees, adding: "It is here for the people and organisations of Lyme Regis to have a meeting place and to enjoy a full range of activities -children's parties, bingo, lectures, play school etc.

"The council has again been generous to us with a grant of £2,000. We have been careful over the last three years to spend the council grants to benefit the local authority and us.

"Practically all of the latest grant money has been spent on the public toilet block and a replacement flat roof."

Coun Williams thanked his committee for its outstanding work on behalf of the halls. He was sure the result would give it great satisfaction. However, there was still much to do, and he was hopeful that organisations who used the premises would provide at least one member to provide practical help.

The committee was congratulated from the floor on its improvement scheme. It was felt that local people should be made more aware of what was on offer, and it was decided to hold an open evening on September 1 when refreshments and wine would be served.

Coun Williams was re-elected along with Derek Hallett (vice chairman), Bill Reed (booking secretary), Pat Richards (secretary), Suzanne Whitemore (treasurer) and Maureen Wheeler (minutes secretary).

Serving on the general committee are Peter Williams, Peter Brown and Doug Kaxe. The rest of the committee comprises representatives of user organisations.