HEALTH bosses are urging people to speak their minds about the Dorset County Hospital - by sending a text message.

The trust that runs the Williams Avenue complex is the first in Dorset to let people use their mobiles to contact them as well as via more conventional methods.

The move comes under the launch of a new 'public and patient involvement group' aimed at improving and developing services at the Dorchester hospital.

Director of nursing Elaine Maxwell said: "We want to do more to give patients and local people a strong voice in how health services should be run.

"If you care about your local hospital and want to make a difference we would like to hear from you."

West Dorset General Hospitals NHS Trust hopes the text message facility will encourage more people to sign up to the group.

It is aimed at people of all ages and backgrounds with recent experience of healthcare or treatment at the hospital - either as a patient, through a friend or relative.

Trust bosses are looking for people with strong views on the National Health Service and the ways it needs to develop.

Spokesman Anna Jenkins said members of the group will need to meet regularly with hospital staff to provide feedback on better and more effective services.

She added: "Meetings will be held at all times to suit members and take account of family and work commitments.

"Expenses, including travel, childcare and care of elder family members, will be met."

Some former patients are already meeting with staff to discuss practical ways to improve services. The trust is also to appoint a Patient Advice and Liaison Service manager to help solve problems, provide advice and offer support.

For more information and to volunteer for the group, text Anna Jenkins on 07810 836095, phone her on (01305) 254683, fax on (01305) 254184.

People can also e-mail, write to Anna Jenkins, Trust headquarters, West Dorset General Hospitals NHS Trust, Dorchester DT1 2JY.

And there is a minicom for people with hearing problems on (01305) 254444. The closing date is June 30.