PEOPLE are being urged to beat the crooks and sign up with the Weymouth and Portland Crime Prevention Panel.

The panel is looking for new members and is reminding householders of the crime-busting equipment that is available.

The panel has been operating for several years offering crime prevention advice and information and running various initiatives in liaison with Dorset Police.

But Cathy Penman, a member of the 10-strong committee, said many people still did not know about the group's work and the services available.

For a reduced price the panel can provide security lights, personal alarms and a property marking tool.

Cathy said: "We are trying to raise the profile of the panel which is a group run by ordinary members of the public. Anyone who would like to join us or find out about the equipment we can provide should contact me on Weymouth (01305) 784916."

Inspector Tony Rudd, of West Weymouth and Portland Police, said: "The members of the crime prevention panel are the unsung heroes of the community.

"Their work is invaluable and I would urge people to contact them to find out about what they do."

Another supporter of the crime prevention panel is borough and Portland town councillor Margaret Leicester.

She said: "The panel does a lot of good work, although not many people know about it.

"I welcome the move to raise the profile of the panel so more people can get involved."