THE JUBILEE will not be so golden for villagers in Chideock.

They have been turned down for a grant for their celebrations - and been told it's because they did not submit it in time.

But Keith Baylis, chairman of Chideock Fete Committee, is confused because the group's application was received, and acknowledged, on Feb-ruary 14, nearly four months before the event.

Mr Baylis said: "This application was also made prior to the extensive local radio and TV coverage stating that there had been little response to the grants available towards the jubilee celebrations and requesting organisations to apply for funding."

He is so incensed by the way the village has been treated by the Awards for All scheme that he has complained in writing to West Dorset MP Oliver Letwin, the Queen's Golden Jubilee Committee and Camelot.

Turning Chideock down for funding, senior awards officer Steve Barriball said in a letter: "Your application was unsuccessful because your completed application was submitted too late for us to inform you of the outcome ahead of your event. The current high volume of applications means we are taking the full three months to advise on the outcome. In fairness to groups who applied three months or more in advance of their event I am unable to bring your group's application forward."

But Awards for All said in March that it would be considering the group's application. Mr Baylis said if it was "too late" in February why didn't Awards for All say so instead of waiting until late April when it would be harder to raise the money themselves.

"It would be of interest to know exactly when an application had to be received to become 'eligible'," he said.

"We were organising a three-day event to include young and old - a real community event. We were also requesting less than 50 per cent of the total costs - ie a grant of £1,040. We will now either have to scale down considerably or alternatively actively fund raise over the next few weeks."

Mr Baylis was also told that the office was unable to cope with the volume of applications and he wants answers.

He feels it is an appalling reflection on the organisation supported by the Queen to financially help communities celebrate the jubilee.