ACTRESS Hazel Ellerby will be performing a role of a different kind in Dorchester - opening the annual Big Affair extravaganza.

The former EastEnders and Peak Practice star is special guest at the Dorchester Moose organised bash at Kings Road playing fields on July 7.

It is hoped her appearance will boost funds for the Prince of Wales School special needs unit and the Dorchester branch of Headway.

Debbi Smith, who is organising the Big Affair with husband Barry, said: "We are delighted that Hazel has agreed to come.

"She has had parts in various television shows, including barmaid Chloe White from Peak Practice a few years ago."

Mrs Smith, who lives with Barry and their two children at Poundbury, added: "The preparations are coming along.

"We want everybody to come and support the Big Affair, have fun, see Hazel and help raise lots of money for very worthy causes."

Other attractions lined up for the Big Affair include line dancers L&B Line and a Saxon re-enactment group that will be staging mock battles, giving demonstrations and juggling lessons.

There will also be stalls, games, competitions, dancers and organisers hope the Boys' Brigade and a dog display team will appear.

Money will go help head injury victims at Headway and to buy computer software for the special needs unit at Prince of Wales School in Maiden Castle Road.

Mr and Mrs Smith are also appealing for a main sponsor to come forward after Doug Read backed last year's event in aid of a new wheelchair for cerebral palsy victim Abi Punchard. Call them on (01305) 259039 to sponsor the event, set up a stall or help out.