"MAKE a difference, achieve - if I can do it, you can!" This was the message from Falklands veteran Simon Weston when he presented Adult Learners Awards at Weymouth College.

He told of the years spent recovering from burns suffered when a missile hit his ship in the war - an incredible story of pain and elation.

He described the sense of achievement that came with learning to drive a fast car and fly a plane. The strength to do this came from within, but not without a lot of soul searching.

Simon brought us down to his emotional lows and immediately swept us up with the humour of a situation. It was a fantastic experience to listen to him.

His overall message was one of achieving, and he delivered it in an appropriate setting, where we were celebrating educational success, regardless of age or infirmity.

Life - and business - throws us obstacles - few as overwhelming as the ones Simon overcame. But, as he shows, perseverance and fortitude can achieve miracles.

Certainly Simon had to change the way he reacted - and also the way people reacted to him. But, as he says, if he can do it - why can't we?

Eddie Salter, President, Dorset Chamber of Com-merce & Industry

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