A KEY New Forest organisation has a new man at the helm as the area heads for the biggest shake-up in its history.

Oliver Crosthwaite Eyre has taken over from Maldwin Drummond as head of the Verderers, who administer the Forest's all-important commoning system.

Months of speculation ended yesterday afternoon when the government announced Mr Crosthwaite Eyre is the new Official Verderer.

Only hours earlier people at the Court of Verderers in Lyndhurst were told that the identity of Mr Drummond's successor was being withheld.

A statement read out at the meeting said: "An Official Verderer has been appointed but the necessary formalities have not been completed, and until they are, it is not possible to announce his or her name.

"Even the Verderers have not been told who the new Official Verderer is."

However, the government later announced that Mr Crosthwaite Eyre, grandson of former New Forest MP Sir Oliver Crosthwaite Eyre, had got the job.

His three-year term of office will coincide with the creation of a New Forest National Park, if the scheme is given the go-ahead following a public inquiry.

Mr Crosth-waite Eyre, 38, of Bramshaw, said: "These are important times for the Forest.

"As far as the Verderers are concerned the main issues are, and always will be, animal welfare and the protection of the commoners' interests," he added.

His appointment was welcomed by Dr Julian Lewis, Tory MP for New Forest East, who described Mr Crosthwaite Eyre as a central and senior figure.

Richard Manley, chairman of the Commoners' Defence Association, said Mr Crosthwaite Eyre's legal background could prove a major asset to the area.