WEYMOUTH's St John's Ambulance Brigade has cause for celebration after success in both the county and regional round of the St John first aid competition.

After winning the county round, Mark Clothier and Keith Hocking won the ambulance skills section at the regional round in Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire and will go on to represent the region at the national finals in Croydon in July.

The two other teams attending, Julie Dean and Denise Clothier for adult first aid and Louise Haye and John Pitman, for cadet first aid, both won third place in their competitions.

Cadets Charlotte Pitman and Katy Jones were runners-up in the county round with Kirstin Liveley in reserve.

Mrs Dean said: "It's a good year for Weymouth. There has been a lot of hard work involved since Christmas and the hard work has paid off at both county and regional levels."