NEW hi-tech underground sewage works have opened at Wyke Regis.

The £30 million state of the art development from Wessex Water uses the latest technology to deal much more effectively with sewage from Weymouth and Port-land.

South Dorset MP Jim Knight declared the site, at Langton Avenue, officially open, joining councillors and visitors on a tour of the works.

Building the works underground, underneath a playing field that was re-instated and landscaped, means that the new works have little visual impact.

Spokesman for Wessex Water said: "Tourists are citing clean bathing water as one of the main factors in their choice of resort which is very important for Weymouth.

"The works have already begun taking the flow of sewage from the town and the latest technology combines primary and secondary treatment which will result in a much higher, cleaner standard of effluent.

"We had a very good response to our open afternoon and many members of the public came along to see the new development."