PREGNANCY advisors for parents-to-be around the New Forest have settled in a new - and permanent - home.

Forest Pregnancy Counselling, which has operated from a variety of venues over the past couple of years, has opened a new centre at 18 Whitefield Road in New Milton.

It aims to provide vital guidance and support for both men and women facing the life-changing event of having children, including free pregnancy tests, confidential advice, adoption information and second-hand baby clothes and equipment.

Fully-trained counsellors are also available to help women through the pain of miscarriage, stillbirth or abortion - even if the trauma happened years ago.

Clients can drop in on Wednesdays between 12-2pm, or phone (01425) 620171 for an appointment.

There is also a national freephone careline - 0800 0282228. Further information is on their website at