HUNT supporters from across Dorset will turn the countryside red and green at the weekend as part of the ongoing campaign against a possible ban on hunting

The Countryside Alliance has designated this Saturday and Sunday as National Action Weekend for the countryside in advance of the second reading of the controversial hunting bill in the House of Lords on September 16.

Will Templer, regional director for the Countryside Alliance, said that the vivid red and green banners would be appearing all over the county as part of the drive and urged anyone who supports hunting to display one.


"Everyone who supports the right to hunt on the grounds of liberty and tolerance is being urged to buy and display a range of banners to show the strength of opposition to a hunting ban, in the lead up to the Hunting Bill's second reading.

"Opinion polls have shown that 59% of people want hunting to continue and this weekend is a great way of turning that percentage into action.

"As part of our campaign an overwhelming display of banners and posters across Dorset will show the cohesion and determination in the countryside to fight unjust and vindictive attacks on the rural way of life. We will show the House of Lords that this is an issue of liberty and we trust that they will take note of our campaign."

Last September thousands of hunt supporters and rural workers headed off to London for a major rally aimed at preserving life in the countryside.

More than 10,000 Dorset people joined the Liberty and Livelihood March.