FIVE candidates will be contesting the Alderney, Poole by-election on March 18.

When nominations closed, candidates from the three main parties and two independents had thrown their hats into the ring.

The vacancy arose after Liberal Democrat councillor Bob Dugdale resigned from the Borough of Poole due to ill health.

Alderney returned three Liberal Democrat councillors at the May 2003 election with a 31.18 per cent turnout.

Wendy Herring, Conservative, was born and brought up in the Rossmore area and has lived in Alderney since 1963. She is secretary of the Upper Parkstone Residents Association Group and Broom Road Residents Association.

"My particular concern is the traffic and environmental pollution of Alderney and the preservation of the Bourne stream area," said Wendy, who is involved in setting up the Friends of Alderney Common.

Philip Murray, Labour, author, singer-songwriter and actor has made records for Mickie Most and appeared in EastEnders and many other productions, and is a married father-of-three.

"I think the issues are quite clear. Road congestion, the library, decent facilities for children, channelling resources to the elderly, crime and vandalism," he said.

Doreen Renphrey, Independent, is a grandmother and alternative therapist who also works with the elderly mentally impaired, was born in Poole and is a keen environmentalist.

"We have the environment and we have to save it. There's a lot that needs to be done in the Alderney district. It's been neglected. I don't think it gets the attention and the improvements we need," she said.

Nicholas Tapping, Independent, a 46-year-old father-of-one, runs his own car cleaning business, was born in Poole and set up the website where people can debate and vote on any subject.

"I'm a representative for residents democracy. I don't think there's very much democracy in the system. There are 42 councillors in Poole representing political parties. They haven't got one councillor representing people."

Lindsay Wilson, Liberal Democrat, is Poole born and the daughter of Cllr Graham Wilson in neighbouring Newtown. A mother of three she is a fitness enthusiast and is horrified by the potential loss of the mobile library.

"I do not believe that this should be sacrificed in favour of building improvements to the Canford Cliffs Library nor traded in for a new mayoral car," she said.