TEENAGERS delivered a safe sex message to their peers at a Weymouth nightclub.

Members of the Steps youth club in Weymouth handed out information cards to youngsters at an under-18s disco held at Harry's nightclub in Maiden Street.

Steps members Jasmine Baker, 16, said: "We produced a card with information and tips on keeping yourself safe at night and have been handing them out and talking to youngsters.

"The response has been very positive and hopefully our project will have some effect."

The cards were part of the peer education project, which aims to promote personal safety and sexual health among teenagers using other youngsters as guides.

They were devised in response to the high rates of pregnancy and sexually-transmitted infections among young people in Weymouth.

Emma Winterburn, schools sexual health co-ordinator, said: "This is an innovative approach to tackling some local problems and I have been very impressed with the enthusiasm and approach of the young people from Steps."

The project was supported by Harry's and the borough youth council.

Youth worker Tom Lane said: "Youngsters from Steps have a history of undertaking projects which are of benefit to the community and if just one young person is safer as a result then it will be worthwhile. Most of the group are undertaking a nationally accredited Youth Achievement Award and this project is just one of a number of challenges they are undertaking."