ANOTHER band of travellers has descended on Christchurch - setting up camp in the car park of an electronics factory at the weekend.

Police say Penny & Giles which owns the private car park, in Airfield Road, has issued eviction notices on the four caravans giving the travellers just days to pack up and clear out.

Christchurch's Inspector Andrew Earley confirmed that the travellers are not from the same group ousted from the sports arena behind 2Riversmeet last week.

He added that the police are monitoring the situation closely.

"If necessary we will invoke our powers to remove them, but we would prefer to do that as a last resort," he said.

Penny & Giles declined to comment.

The inspector repeated his plea for residents not to hire travellers for building or gardening jobs explaining that they would be unlikely to stay if they were offered no work.

Last week the final convoy of travellers left 2Riversmeet leaving Christchurch Borough Council with a £13,000 bill to clear up the mess.

The group of ten caravans set up camp in the car park outside PC World, in the Meteor retail Park, in Somerford Road - just a mile away from the 2Riversmeet site, but they were evicted by the police.

First published: Sept 7