IF YOU found love in later life, Weymouth Drama Club is eager to hear your story.

The am-dram group is staging Raymond Hopkins' farce Love Begins at 50 later this month and is looking for that perfect romantic couple to win champagne, flowers and a pair of tickets for the Saturday night performance of the hilarious show.

So, if you met your partner aged 50 or over and have a romantic tale to tell, WDC want to hear from you.

Club spokesman Neil Hamilton-Meikle said: "You don't have to be 18 to fall in love, it can strike at any time and we would really love to hear any romantic tales from people who found th elove of their life in their autumn years."

If you have a sweet tale to tell, write it down and send it with your name, address and daytime phone number to:

Love Begins at 50 competition

Weymouth Drama Club

The Warehouse Theatre

Hope Square




to arrive no later than Saturday, October 23.

Love Begins at 50 is about Anita and Clive, who have been married for 28 years. Clive has never been unfaithful, but as preparations for his fiftieth birthday party are underway, he wants one last fling.

He chooses three prospective partners from the Lonely Hearts column in the local paper. The same paper is offering a Caribbean cruise in a competition to find the perfect married couple.

Anita enters the competition and a photographer arrives to take the pictures of the happy couple just when Clive is busy entertaining one of his new dates. From that point onwards, things get a complicated!

The play is running at Weymouth Pavilion from Wednesday to Saturday, October 27 to 30 with performances at 7.45pm. Tickets are £8.50 plus concessions - call the box office on 01305 783225.