A FAMILY celebrated their roots by tracing the lives of their Weymouth ancestors.

Gillian Kemp, from Hatfield, Hertfordshire, her husband David, and Mrs Kemp's new-found cousins Marlene Broadhurst and David Ball, from Glouces-tershire, met at the resort to visit where their late relatives lived and died.

Mrs Kemp, 56, said: "We had an excellent time. It was really nice to be together in Weymouth where our ancestors came from. It was also really odd visiting some of the old places where they lived but nice to have someone to share it with."

She added: "We shall definitely stay in touch and meet up again."

The group stopped by the former home of their grandmother Lily Langford in Chickerell Road and visited her grave in Weymouth Cemetery.

The cousins were only recently united for the first time after Gillian and David spent a year tracking down her family.

Mrs Kemp managed to find her cousins after scouring through death certificates and searching for a year. During the group's reunion they enjoyed a drink at The Royal Standard pub in Upwey, which was owned by their great-great- grandfather Hezekiah Langford in the 1890s.