TEENAGER Peter Roper has mastered the art of model aircraft flight to such a high standard in such a short time that an international company is sponsoring him to the tune of £5,000.

Proud dad Trevor, who in his spare time is a British Model Flying Association instructor and writes and tests models for the Radio Control Model World magazine, introduced his 13yearold son to the delights of model flying just a few months ago.

Trevor, of South Street, Bridport, said: "He has learnt in four months what most people take 10 years to master. There is noone that can outfly him in the south west."

He has outgrown the talents of his own father and the nearest person qualified to teach him anything new is in Swindon.

Such is Peter's fame already that it has spread up and down the country by word of mouth and last week a team from Century Helicopter Products came to see Peter fly and offered him the sponsorship deal, which includes three model helicopters, on the spot.

"He is that good," said Trevor. "He's been having lessons with an exchampion and he reckons he is the most naturally gifted young man he was ever seen. Nobody of whatever age can get close to him."

To fly in front of members of the public, as Peter will be doing, you have to have a certificate and Peter was one of the youngest to ever get one.

Peter, who goes to The Sir John Colfox School, said he really enjoyed the challenge of flying the helicopters.

"They are three dimensional, they can fly at any angle, they can do most tricks, it's quite hard to get your head around it but I enjoy the challenge."

Peter hopes to make his living out of his extraordinary talent.

"The list is endless of the things you can do with it, you can design, you can teach. I would love to do something with my hobby, it would be brilliant."

Peter said the team from Century Helicopter Products, who are very big in America and getting bigger over here, were great people.

"They're just lovely to be with and they are definitely going to help me."

The team came to watch Peter last Thursday and he had to have a day off school - and will have to have more next year as he takes part in shows and competitions all over the country.

Peter only got into flying recently because the models are so expensive.

Dad Trevor is an instructor with the local Chesil Model Flying Club, which has 70 members and meets every week to fly at a farm in Pymore.