POLICE are sending postcards to criminals in a bid to get them to change their ways.

Offenders throughout west Dorset will get a shock when they see the images on the postcards are... of local prisons.

Dorset Police hopes the 'wish you were here?' invite will deter criminals from taking a holiday to hell.

The postcards show images of local prisons - Guys Marsh near Shaftesbury and Her Majesty's Prison in Dorchester - and the message on the reverse of the cards reads: 'If you don't want to end up here... stop offending!'

They are being mailed to persistent offenders as part of a crackdown on burglary and drug networks.

Operation Disrupt has already seen raids on homes in Weymouth by police in riot gear. Five people were arrested and substances believed to be Class A drugs along with stolen jewellery were seized from addresses in the Park District on Wednesday.

Police chiefs say the postcards will drop through letterboxes at the homes of repeat offenders in an effort to deter them from following a life of crime.

Acting Deputy Chief Constable of Dorset Police, Adrian Whiting, said: "These postcards - either sent through the post or delivered face-to-face - send out a clear message.

"We know who the main repeat offenders are and are doing everything we can to prevent them from continuing with their illegal actions.

"Used as a method of deterrence, it's hoped the offenders will take a step back and consider what they're doing and the consequences of their actions.

"If they continue to offend, they may be sent to prison. We will not tolerate these criminals in Dorset."

Mr Whiting said while police wanted to challenge criminals, the force will also work with other agencies such as health bodies and the Probation Service to provide access to rehabilitation programmes.

Operation Disrupt aims to disrupt the stolen property market by targeting known handlers and reducing the number of stolen property outlets while educating the public about the risks involved in purchasing stolen property.

Mr Whiting said: "I'd like to reassure residents that we're serious about targeting burglars and that Dorset will become an even safer place to live."