DEVASTATED Simone Emes has appealed for thieves to return two pieces of precious jewellery given to her by her seriously ill husband.

Burglars stole the 81-year-old's jewels from her Highcliffe home, including valuable gold necklaces and rings, while she was out at a friend's house last Saturday afternoon.

But the only items the distraught grandmother-of-six really cares about is a set of gold RAF wings which Dame Vera Lynn presented to her husband Dennis, 83, a Second World War RAF navigator, and a silver miniature Mr Emes had made for her when he received his MBE in 1996 for his services to the Royal Air Force Association, because he felt she was equally deserving of the prestigious award.

Mr Emes, who was in a prisoner of war camp for four years during the war, is gravely ill in hospital.

Mrs Emes, who is recovering from a knee replacement operation, said: "It is devastating for anyone who returns to find their home in disarray. I was petrified. It's just such a shock. I am still trying to get my head round it all."

Her daughter Suzanne Corbie revealed how the burglary had shocked her fragile mother: "She is just utterly distraught.

"She is frightened of being on her own, she just has so much to contend with right now.

"The rest of it she doesn't really care about, although there were much more expensive items stolen. It is the sentimental value of the two items that make them priceless to her."

Police believe that Mrs Emes disturbed the thieves when she returned to her home at 6pm. The terrified pensioner telephoned the police before she went into shock and started shaking and crying.

The RAF wings have a crown in the centre with a diamond and are attached to a gold link chain. The MBE miniature is the size of a 50p piece and was made into a brooch.

Anyone with any information should telephone Christchurch police on 0845 0454545 or anonymously on Crimestoppers 0800 555111.

First published: November 12