Volunteers at the Town Mill in Lyme Regis celebrated ten years of the National Lottery with homemade biscuits and cake using flour fresh from the mill.

So many visitors came to look around the mill and feast on the free nosh, that millers ran out of flour by the afternoon and had to start up the wheel to make more.

Events took place all over the country to celebrate ten years of the National Lottery last weekend, including Lyme Regis museum and Charmouth Heritage Coast Centre.

Lyme Regis museum was one of the first to benefit from a Heritage Lottery Fund grant when it applied for aid to redisplay its collections in the newly refurbished building.

As a result, the museum was awarded the prestigious Gulbenkian Award in 1999; the museum is often described as one of the best small museums in the country.

At Charmouth, work to extend the Coast Centre by almost 50 per cent, allowing more visitors to access the centre's resources, is well under way, much of it funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund.