The on-off closure of a Poole residential rat-run road has taken another twist and is now back on.

But the fat lady has still not finally sung over Coy Pond Road, Bourne Valley, because Liberal Democrats are so incensed with the decision they are to call it in for further scrutiny.

"It's not a u-turn now, it's an S-bend," said Cllr Phil Eades. "The whole thing is a shambles."

Vociferous residents of the road and its neighbours have argued both for and against blocking off the busy road underneath the railway bridge.

When it went before the transportation advisory group in September, members voted in favour of closing the road, but decision-maker councillor Ron Parker was unhappy and wanted traffic calming measures investigated further.

"I said it was a Draconian measure to close it and I had great reservations about closing it," said Cllr Parker, cabinet portfolio holder for transportation.

He said officers prepared three traffic calming schemes, chicanes, ramps and blocking the road and making traffic use Thwaite Road and Wren Crescent.

Cllr Parker added that the council had closed other roads in the borough and consultation had shown a 66-33 split in favour.

But Cllr Eades said: "There are many other traffic calming things we could do without going as far as closing the road. It's only people around Coy Pond who want it closed," he said.