A YOUNG lad whose life was tragically cut short by diabetes aged only 16 is being remembered in a tribute concert organised by his friends.

Former Purbeck School pupil Dave Lawrence, from Swanage, died suddenly on March 17 of the side-effects of the disease.

His best friend Paul March has brought together four local bands for a gig at the Purbeck Centre, Northbrook Road, tomorrow (November 16) to celebrate Dave's life and raise funds for Diabetes UK.

The date and title of the gig, Rock Hard, comes from a mysterious message Dave wrote onto a rock which he kept in his bedroom.

Paul, who sings and plays guitar in band 4 Days Notice, said: "He was the kind of guy any man would want for a best friend, he was that nice. He would do anything for me.

"Dave wrote the words Rock Hard and 16,11,04 on a rock about six months before he died. No-one knows why he wrote it but he wrote it for a reason, it was symbolising something." The concert starts 6.30pm and admission is priced £1, with all proceeds going to Diabetes UK.

Dave was diagnosed with diabetes two years before his death, just three days before his seventeenth birthday.

Dave's father Steve Lawrence said: "There is an enormous group of Dave's friends who have supported us incredibly. Paul wants to make sure Dave is not forgotten.

"Diabetes is such an insidious disease - it is a killer, there is no doubt about it."

There is currently no cure for diabetes but every year Diabetes UK spends £4.5million on research.

There are about 20,000 children aged under 15 with type one diabetes in the UK, who have to take daily insulin injections for the rest of their life.

The charity has a careline offering more information on 0845 1202960 or visit www.diabetes.org.uk.

First published: November 15