A QUARTER of the people living in Poole still smoke, yet they still want to see the habit banned in public places, according to new figures.

The statistics, released by the Health Development Agency, mean that more than 21,000 of those living in the Poole Primary Care Trust (PCT) area are still lighting up.

Yet the Daily Echo revealed just last month how three in every four people in the borough want a ban on smoking in public places.

Extensive consultation and research into the issue by the town showed that locals were overwhelmingly in favour of a by-law banning or severely restricting smoking in bars, clubs and restaurants.

People also wanted to see the habit stubbed out in hospitals, concert halls, health clinics, schools, shopping centres and cinemas. Yet 25 per cent of the town's residents are still smokers themselves.

Poole's director of public health, Dr Adrian Dawson, said: "This means that over 21,000 people still smoke. Poole's PCT Smokestop team has been working with thousands of smokers in the past three years helping them to quit and, this year, we're on target to help a further 900 local residents give up smoking."

The report by the Health Development Agency also revealed that 70 per cent of smokers said they wanted to quit and that they believed having smoke-free workplaces and environments would help.

Dr Dawson added: "The people of Poole have overwhelmingly said throughout the local consultations that they want a smoke-free town and the council will decide policy in due course.

"As a PCT we are determined to continue to work alongside smokers in their bid to quit, and through our Smokestop groups across the borough we will continue to be there to offer free advice and support.

"Around 70 per cent of smokers we help quit after five weeks, so our message to smokers in Poole is 'call us today'."

For Poole PCT's Smokestop services call 01202 745750.

First published: November 15